Meet jabberwocky

25 yr old, 5'7", Childfree Female from Akron, United States

Not open to long distance!

About jabberwocky :

  Looking For: Male

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Once in a while

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Some College / Undergrad

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: I'm considering it down the road

jabberwocky 's Photos

Get to know jabberwocky :

Below is jabberwocky 's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

Currently working in radiology, but my love for the brain still exists. I love drawing, science, cats, drawing, and traveling. I enjoy hiking when it's not humid out.

Why jabberwocky choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is jabberwocky 's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

I really dislike children and pregnancy does not appeal to me.

Would jabberwocky have kids in the future?

Finally, would jabberwocky have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

Maybe adoption of an older teen or something a long time from now.