Unlimited messaging with all subscriptions!

Our pricing is simple and you can cancel or upgrade your plan at any time.

One Month Plan

per month

  • Unlimited messaging
  • Stealth mode
  • Premium support

Three Month Plan

every 3 months

  • Unlimited messaging
  • Stealth mode
  • Less than $12 / month
  • Premium support

Six Month Plan

every six months

  • Unlimited messaging
  • Stealth mode
  • Just $10 / month!
  • Premium support

Frequently Asked Questions

While we hate to see you go, to unsubscribe simply head on over to your settings page, and you'll find a "Manage My Subscription" section below the "Stealth Mode" activation button. Click or tap on "Manage My Subscription", and on the next screen you'll be able to cancel your subscription.
While all plans offer unlimited messaging and access to our stealth mode feature - which gives you the ability to view other matches' profiles without being seen - the core difference between each plan is essentially the cost per month. While our one month plan is less money up front, the cost per month comes in at $15, whereas our three month plan (< $12 / month) and six month plan ($10 / month) give you the ability to really save money long-term.
Free members, or users who do not subscribe to a premium subscription above, can still do quite a bit! Specifically, free members can browse and view all matches, whether you want to search nearby or far away, so that way you can be sure there are enough (and the right) childfree matches nearby that meet your match preferences. On top of that, free members can respond to messages sent to them from premium members (just note it requires a premium membership to initiate a new conversation with a match), and free members can also add matches to their favorites list.
You'll likely see your premium subscription in your bank or credit card statement as, "CFdating", or "Solo Ventures LLC" which is our parent company.
CFdating, and its parent company Solo Ventures LLC, are American and veteran-owned, and based out of the greater Atlanta, GA area.

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