Meet ThomasTallis

28 yr old, 6'2", Childfree Male from Rockville, United States

Not open to long distance!

About ThomasTallis:

  Looking For: Female

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Once in a while

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Bachelor's Degree

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: No

ThomasTallis's Photos

Get to know ThomasTallis:

Below is ThomasTallis's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

I'm a simple, straight-forward person. What you see is what you get. I'm a health conscious person. I go to the gym several times a week - both cardio and resistance training. I know how to appreciate the simple things in life (like South Park and Archer) as well as the finer things (like Gothic architecture and choral music). I'm looking for something meaningful. Not the kind of superficial stuff you find at a bar or lounge (I honestly don't see how I'm supposed to find a meaningful connection in a dark room, where I cannot see clearly, where it's so loud I have to yell to be heard, and where the room is so crowded that there is more carbon dioxide than oxygen). That's why I like online dating; it is more intentional and structured. My ideal situation would be to meet someone with whom I can share my life. A modest apartment in a nice neighborhood. A few cats. Maybe a dog, if you like dogs. Spending our evenings and weekends at home, cooking, cuddling, watching TV, or travelling around, enjoying each other's company. Although I am a practice Catholic, I don't make religious similarity a priority (differences would only be an issue if we were planning kids, which we aren't). Religious differences would only become an issue if someone tried to pressure me to specifically act against my religion (missing church on Sunday, eating meat on Good Friday, etc.)

Why ThomasTallis choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is ThomasTallis's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

I have high-functioning autism / Asperger's syndrome. My intelligence is high (IQ 125) but my threshold for stress tolerance is low. I'm good with tedious tasks (like spending long hours transcribing audio files of meetings and interviews into verbatim text documents), but when it comes to things that involve multi-tasking, quick reflexes, and guess-work (like driving on a highway during a heavy storm), it's much more difficulty, so I avoid those situations. I don't want to bring a new being into the world, but then find that I cannot handle that responsibility. It's not fair to the child, it's not fair to the mother, and it's not fair to me. I am a practicing Catholic. I'm not a cafeteria Catholic or a Catholic-in-name-only. I'm making a serious effort to get to Heaven. My religion forbids the use of artificial contraception, so the only way I could ever have an intimate relationship and avoid children would be a) by using Natural Family Planning (fertility awareness and periodic abstinence during fertile times of the month), b) by finding someone who has a pre-existing condition that makes pregnancy impossible, or c) by finding someone who has already been irreversibly sterilized.

Would ThomasTallis have kids in the future?

Finally, would ThomasTallis have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

It is very unlikely. The only scenario I could see where I might want children is my future wife and I are wealthy, getting lonely in that big house, are starting to see more grey hairs, and are worried about being alone when we are old and having no one to inherit our wealth. Even in this type of situation, having children would have to be a mutual decision - we would have to feel the same way. And then, maybe we would have one. I do not think this scenario would come to pass, but just sayin'.