Meet cefteldore

28 yr old, 5'10", Childfree Male from Kansas City, United States

Not open to long distance!

About cefteldore:

  Looking For: Female

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Once in a while

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Master's Degree

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: No

cefteldore's Photos

Get to know cefteldore:

Below is cefteldore's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

I aspire to be an amateur electrician that brightens your day :) I'm an honest person with a sense of humor. A good listener and responsible. My interests include stargazing, sci-fi, and palm reading (just for fun, not superstitious).

Why cefteldore choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is cefteldore's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

I find not a single good reason to reproduce. I believe in Utilitarian ethics, which preaches that we should render the utmost good to the lowest of the low. In this regard, I hope to adopt and raise animals who are suffering without a loving home instead of reproducing even more kids into this world. Besides, look at the United Nations report saying 7.7 billion human population is already wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. Reproducing would be a significant, unnecessary strain for me as well as the planet.

Would cefteldore have kids in the future?

Finally, would cefteldore have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

No, for the aforementioned reasons.