Meet ccjcg

34 yr old, 5'10", Childfree Male from Mesa, United States

Not open to long distance!

About ccjcg:

  Looking For: Female

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Yes

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Master's Degree

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: Yes

Get to know ccjcg:

Below is ccjcg's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

Super loyal and passionate. Value sweetness and laughter. Travel a good deal for work but get to see some awesome places. Foodie, and dangerously patient. Own a vehicle. Left leaning centralist. Non religious but love debate. Love movies. I guess I'm looking for my best friend. Someone that I would want to hang out with in general, even if there wasn't a romantic connection.

Why ccjcg choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is ccjcg's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

Rather focus my energy on my partner. And if I ever changed my mind I would adopt.

Would ccjcg have kids in the future?

Finally, would ccjcg have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

Would have to be some very weird circumstances, such as family emergency.