Meet carocarocaro

33 yr old, 6'1", Childfree Female from Alexandria, United States

Not open to long distance!

About carocarocaro:

  Looking For: Male

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: No

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Master's Degree

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: No

Get to know carocarocaro:

Below is carocarocaro's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

Born and raised in Alexandria, and I find myself back in the DC area as an adult. I have a large group of very close friends from college and high school nearby, as well as my parents. I work in healthcare research and advocacy and consider myself super lucky to enjoy my work and colleagues. My hobbies are reading, listening to music, running (but not that far and not that fast...) - nothing too exotic but I'm pretty well-rounded. I'm a social introvert who can find something to talk about with almost anyone. Looking for someone who wants to go to concerts, try new restaurants, travel, and talk about the big questions. Funny is a plus. Tall is a plus (but not a requirement). Knowing who you are and being comfortable in your own skin is attractive as hell :)

Why carocarocaro choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is carocarocaro's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

It's not something I ever really pictured for myself. Bringing a child into the world or adopting a child to raise is a huge decision that changes the lives of everyone involved, and I don't think it's fair to be iffy about it. I'm an independent person who's looking forward to finding a partner to share life with. I'm confident that life can be full of joy and adventure with just two.

Would carocarocaro have kids in the future?

Finally, would carocarocaro have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

While I don't dream of having children and can't really imagine it, it's also hard to say 100% never. I think it would be easier to be absolutely certain, but I'll have to settle for pretty damn sure.