Meet attractivechristianlady

45 yr old, 5'6", Childfree Female from West Hollywood, United States

Not open to long distance!

About attractivechristianlady:

  Looking For: Male

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Once in a while

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Bachelor's Degree

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: No

attractivechristianlady's Photos

Get to know attractivechristianlady:

Below is attractivechristianlady's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

By day , I am a music teacher to 2,000 elementary students . By night, I am a vocologist to touring professional singers, actors, college students or I am performing music . I am a gracious, generous, patient, creative yet fun loving, adventurous Christian woman. I am looking for a child free Christian man who lis a follower and believer in Jesus and is looking for a long term relationship..I have a melancholy/sanguine personality blend. The melancholy side gives me the empathy, kindness, musical talent to volunteer vacation time to orphanages in Mexico , fly out for the past 12 years to NYC to volunteer at a music nonprofit for teens battling drug and alcohol addiction and lend a helping hand to help local elderly people then at night perform as singer or keyboardist in various musical projects or train professionals on vocal health and technique. The sanguine side give me the adventure, people person skills , spontaneity to travel all over the world many times solo, PR for nightlife events in Los Angeles and New York City, greet newcomers at my church or events or to attend last minute invitations to concerts and events. My strengths from Strengthfinders: Empathy, Arranger, Developer, Ideation, Individualization. I workout 6 days week: weights, body pump, spin, elliptical, and May-Nov- I swim everyday! I love to cook, bake and be creative. I am proactive to meeting new people. I have travel to the UK and Europe numerous times. I love to travel.

Why attractivechristianlady choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is attractivechristianlady's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

-I never have been married. - I did not want to have a child and raise it as a single mom. -I have been in serious relationships with single dads and it did not work out because of the mother of their children.. - I don't want to take care of other people's children in my personal relationships, I take care of 2000 students for a living and do an incredible job.. - I am an awesome aunt.

Would attractivechristianlady have kids in the future?

Finally, would attractivechristianlady have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

Only if my future husband wanted to become an older parent or adopt. I'd rather be in a relationship with a guy who does not want children than to be in a relationship with a single dad with children visiting or living part time or full time with him.