Meet drbatmangela

31 yr old, 5'5", Childfree Female from Kennewick, United States

Not open to long distance!

About drbatmangela:

  Looking For: Male

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Yes

  Pets: I have a giraffe in my backyard

  Education: PHD

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: Yes

drbatmangela's Photos

Get to know drbatmangela:

Below is drbatmangela's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

I have my doctorate in clinical psych and living in eastern Washington with my cats! My parents are pastors, and I am currently figuring my spirituality out post-evangelical church upbringing. .I am very extroverted and love wine, animals, traveling, and hiking. Im originally from Wisconsin. If you are anti-LGBTQIA , believe racism isnt an issue, and dont believe sexism is a problem, we likely wont mesh well.

Why drbatmangela choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is drbatmangela's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

I love myself, my freedom, my body, and my money. Overpopulation and resource shortages are a major problem. The world is not a great place to bring a child into. I also, as a mental health professional, dont want to have to come home to another human who needs me.

Would drbatmangela have kids in the future?

Finally, would drbatmangela have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

No, but I love being Auntie Angela!