Meet twan

22 yr old, 6'1", Childfree Male from Groningen, Netherlands

Not open to long distance!

About twan:

  Looking For: Female

  Smoking: No

  Drinking: Once in a while

  Pets: I love pets

  Education: Some College / Undergrad

  Tubes Tied / Vasectomy: I'm considering it down the road

twan's Photos

Get to know twan:

Below is twan's handwritten answer to the, "Tell us a little bit about you", survey question.

About me: Currently studying Economics at the University of Groningen, not a clue where I will go after I get my degree. Not really your traditional student in terms of nonstop partying and drinking. I do drink alcohol but only very occasionally, and any party where the music is loud enough to not be able to have a conversation is just not my thing. Rather just prefer to hang out with some people and play games (I love board games and some specific video games) and talk. In my free time I would love to be able to go on hikes (but since I live in the flattest country on earth it’s just walking around here). And I love myself a good book. Mostly read fantasy but can read any genre if a certain book strikes my fancy or gets recommended to me. I write occasionally as well but am cursed with impatience in this and very rarely ever finish my stories, still working on that. As for sports I play Tennis and Golf as well as going to the gym around 3 times a week (corona kind of stopped that but am picking it back up now that the university gym has opened back up). I am not religious. Would consider myself slightly left of center politically (oh and that is by Dutch standards, in the US that would make me very much left wing). Oh and I am 184CM for those that consider height a factor. Traveling is essentially a great passion of me and there is an entire list of countries that I would love to visit one day (Namibia, Mongolia, Vietnam are my current top 3). As well as countries I have been to already but would love to see more of (China, the US, Bolivia). But then again I am currently a student and the traveling I do is currently mostly limited by my still limited budget. Hoping to one day have a career that allows me to travel a lot more.

Why twan choose to be childfree:

Perhaps the most important question to CFdating's profile survey, below is twan's answer to why they choose to be childfree.

This list is way too long but here is some bullet points: 1. I just don't really particularly like children, I can find them fun for 30ish minutes but after that I am utterly exhausted by them and just want them gone (which usually means giving them back to their parents) 2. I am a carrier of some really shitty genetic anomalies that I would never want to pass on (despite not being affected myself, many in my family are). 3. I have so many things I want to do in my life that children would interfere it that the list of cons is longer than the list of pros by so much that it's not even a consideration (to be honest the list of pros is pretty much nonexistent, I don't see any pros that actually apply to me). Foremost that I utterly love travel and kids would heavily interfere with any and all ambitions I have for that. But I also see them as a hindrance to career and life in general.

Would twan have kids in the future?

Finally, would twan have or want kids down the road? Below is how they answered this critical question.

Absolutely not. That would be why I am here. Not ever changing my mind about that fact.